Error F15 Ariston – Indesit Problem Solution


Why does error code F15 appear on Ariston and Indesit washer dryers? 

A serious fault in your washing machine can be a major inconvenience, especially if you haven't noticed any signs of a defect until a certain point. This also applies to Ariston and Indesit appliances, which over time start to give an F15 error.
It should be borne in mind that this code appears only on machines that are equipped with a dryer. In ordinary Ariston and Indesit washing machines, this type of error F15 does not appear. Here are the main causes of failure that lead to the display of this code:

Damage to the dryer heating element

Interrupted electrical circuit, broken cable or problematic non-contacting socket

Software crash bug 

To be sure what the problem is, you need to do quality maintenance on your machine. There are several serious reasons that lead to the appearance of the F15 error. The most common among them is a broken heating element. By the way, Ariston and Indesit washer-dryers have 2 separate parts that serve to maintain the temperature. One of them is responsible for heating the water, and the other for drying clothes.

The appearance of error F15 indicates a malfunction in the second. The causes of the defect can be two. On the one hand, there is a possibility of a malfunction in the heater itself. At the same time, a wire in the dryer may be broken.
Even if you are not a technician, you can also check the integrity of the electrical circuit responsible for the error. The heating box is located at the top of the washing machine. To get to it, you need to remove the cover of the machine, having previously disconnected it from the power supply.
There are two cables on the back of the heater – blue and brown. Check if they are connected correctly and not broken. If their integrity is broken or they are disconnected from the circuit, this also causes the F15 error to appear. But if they are connected correctly, then the heating element is defective.
When you seek the services of a professional technician, they will measure the resistance at both ends of the electrical circuit. If a discrepancy is found in the readings, the heating element needs to be replaced.
It can also burn out when there is no blowing when drying clothes, that is, when the fan motor is defective. And the damage to the element can be detected with the naked eye. If its integrity is compromised, then the heater must certainly be replaced. In the meantime, most experts advise replacing the three main parts of the dryer. – Blowing fan, Heating element and temperature sensor. NTC.
If you decide to save money and replace only one of the parts, when the machine is turned on again, the other two important parts may burn out – the temperature sensor and the heater. There is a great risk that the last two parts will be damaged again during the first drying, because the fan will not blow them properly. The reason lies in the defective windings. For this reason, the motor of the  The dryer cannot reach the required speed and does not do its job properly.
One of the problems leading to the appearance of the F15 code is an error in the washing machine software. If this is the first time this has happened, you need to stop and restart the machine. Unplug the washing machine from the power supply for about ten minutes, then plug it back in. Provided that this problem continues to occur, then you should look for its cause elsewhere.
Among the reasons for error F15 is a break in the electrical circuit of the machine. The broken electrical circuit is due to vibrations in the machine or a wire that has come out of the harness and has rubbed somewhere. The reason for the appearance of error F15 can also be the lack of connection between the heating element and the control module of the machine.
Always trust a professional technician if your washing machine starts to show signs of damage, such as error F15. Quality maintenance and repair are mandatory conditions for the smooth operation of the machine in the future.


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