колко често да почистваме филтъра на пералнята

How often should we clean the washing machine filter? Tip


How often to clean the washing machine filter

You will often read articles on the internet from different sites. The truth is that there is NO EXACT FORMULA FOR CLEANING THE FILTER: Option: 1 When the appliance does not pump or centrifuge.

Option 2: When it gives you an error on the display. Cleaning the filter depends on how often you use the device. If you use it 1.2 times a week, you don't need to clean it once a month.

The washing machine filter acts as a trap for lint, hair, and other debris from your clothes or linens. It should be cleaned periodically, thus extending the life of your machine.
However, it is recommended to do it every time you use the washing machine. A sign that the machine's filter needs cleaning is the presence of a light layer of lint on the clothes you have taken out of the drum.
Some filters are removable. But other washing machines have mesh compartments that collect lint. Both types have the same function. The purpose of the filters is to protect clothes from lint while also ensuring better water drainage.

Колко често да чистим фитъра на пералнята

The location of this compartment depends on the model and brand of your washing machine. It also depends on whether the machine is front-loading or top-loading. The lint traps in machines of the first type are located at the bottom of the housing.
The filter on top-loading washing machines is usually located in the drum. However, there are some modern, high-efficiency machines that don't have a similar lint trap located on the housing. If you notice lint on your freshly washed clothes or your washing machine smells unpleasant, it's time to check the filter for buildup.
For top-loading washing machines, you can check along the top edge of the drum. Remove the fabric softener dispenser. Then you can clean the lint trap. For front-loading washing machines, the filters are located at the bottom front of the housing.

колко често да почистваме филтър пералня

The lid may have a push-release latch. You will need a thin tool or coin to open it. Place a container of water underneath, draining the liquid from the filter. Remove and inspect the lint trap.
Unscrew and remove the filter from its compartment. If your washing machine has a mesh lint trap on the drain hose, you do not need to remove it.  Remove any lint buildup from the compartment. Also, be sure to check for cracks or broken parts in the filter.
When you remove the lint compartment, rinse it in the prepared container of water to remove any accumulated residue. Run an empty wash cycle at high temperature. Clean the lint compartment every three months. How to clean the washing machine filter:

Remove the compartment cover

Unscrew the cap

Remove accumulated lint and fluff


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